Thursday, September 25, 2008

Taking it too seriously

Last week, I did something I never thought I was capable of: I told a colleague to "Eff off!" because he was spouting some Republican gibberish about Barack Obama. I've know this guy for 11 years and I've put up with his irrationality and illogical politics with good humor, just as he has put up with mine. I've gotten steamed at him from time to time (most of the time actually) and I've had to get up and walk out of the room on occasion. But last week I'd finally, really had enough. I sent out an email to my office telling people that they can't discuss politics with me because this election is deeply personal and the standard disinformation and sarcastic slanders that are a part of any watercooler conversation about politics are so painful to me that I've got to insulate myself from them to keep my sanity.

I hear anecdotes from friends about similar blow-ups in their respective offices. I wonder how common a phenomenon it is for folks to get exceptionally riled up this election cycle?

1 comment:

Mrs. Geiger said...

common common common! i'm ready to disown my younger brother over this election and to disown my pastor.